Nick Fury: Agents of FEELS — Remixed Comic Covers #2
Remixed Comic Covers is a parody project intended to make fun of (because we love, of course) and comment on (again because we love) our favorite characters. One switch to the adjective and we get a completely different view of some of our favorite characters!
This one comes from a very special place, considering the last season of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, which I do a podcast about: Welcome to Level Seven. Boy, have I gotten an education about following a Whedon show. To be fair, I was a fan of Firefly and did follow, partially, Dollhouse. But Agents of SHIELD was a great roller coaster…and the final third of the season made this comic even more appropriate!
Comic cover courtesy of Grand Cover Database, a great service and resource. This work is a parody of an original cover by Marvel Comics.
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